EDH – EDH Team Meeting
Topic - Beazer Homes Presentation with Parker McKee
Topic - Beazer Homes Presentation with Parker McKee
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FREE - Webinar - register on our Events page
Register - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/future-proof-your-real-estate-career-tickets-1027547210367?aff=ebdssbdestsearchor on our events page - heirloomventures.com/event-listFuture Proof Your Real Estate Career with special guest Tony Giordano!With our industry continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, now more than ever we need to get ahead of these changes and trends and a level above our competition. In this session, Tony Giordano will dive deep into […]
Zoom in the EC Training Room
Topic - Beazer Homes Presentation with Parker McKee
Join others in the KW Folsom Training Room for the live stream class!or register at the link below to join us from your locationZOOM - https://bit.ly/joelricolanguageThe Language of Agreement is a workshop focused on empowered humancommunications; How we listen and speak with each other, and how people make decisions.When you understand these mechanisms, you will easily […]