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Register Here - https://forms.gle/hibTGqgcSBnN6uJ76
Free to attendRegistration requested, Register here: https://forms.gle/7zZ5xU9rpiDHbbhR6
with Zach Younger and Jenica Williams
Free Webinar11am Pacific Time Register Here: https://kwri.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pcO2hqzMiGtCCx_OoKUfMtQY0BM2X-Zon#/registrationHave you ever wondered how to start a call with a lead that you haven't talked to in a long time, feeling like no matter how you begin it will be awkward? In addition, how do you get back into a real estate conversation with someone who you haven't spoken to […]
Register Here - https://forms.gle/hibTGqgcSBnN6uJ76
Module One: Introduction to Difficult Conversations in Real Estate *Identifying common scenarios that require difficult conversations
with Jillian and Brian Anderson
Free Webinar11am Pacific Time Register Here: https://kwri.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvcOGvqTsvHNxOAekNTdhKr1FY-QaABT9g#/registrationUnlock your potential in real estate with 'Off-Market Mastery: 12 Steps to Quick Sales.' This class provides practical steps for succeeding in probate, divorce, and bankruptcy […]
Register Here - https://forms.gle/hibTGqgcSBnN6uJ76
Join us in the Market Center or register to watch belowZOOM -https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JGHG8ApSTwqttTtJG077Qw#/registrationJoin us for "The Divorce Niche: Demystified" with Bridget as she shares insights on navigating emotional times in real […]
with Jillian and Brian Anderson